Living With My Art

My Bedroom With Quilt
My Bedroom With Quilt


No fancy photos today.  Just a simple pic from my Samsung Galaxy Android.  No apps. Just a little corner of my own bedroom with my newest quilt that has no title yet.  Do let me know if you think of one!

Linking up with Nina Marie Sayer for her Off The Wall Friday Blog Post.

I should have added a link to show you where I got my inspiration for this pic from!  For those of you who know Seth Apter, you probably recognized the title.



13 thoughts on “Living With My Art

  1. Great color scheme – a nice blend of yellow/purple complements and earthy brown. I like the big graphic elements. The pattern is organized, but still loosely executed. I like the range of mottled/semisolid/patterned fabrics that add another layer of interest. It’s a piece that I’d hang in my own house:-) Cheery, but calm… Well done!


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